Art on prescription
We have been working with organisations in Bristol who run art on prescription (or art on referral) programmes with the aim of improving people's psychosocial wellbeing. Currently, we are working with:
Creative Shift, to evaluate the impact of arts on referral in primary care, where GPs and other health professionals refer people (often with low to moderate levels of anxiety or depression) to a twelve-week-long programme of art workshops.
Fresh Arts at Southmead Hospital, to evaluate the impact of six-week-long art workshops in secondary care for people experiencing chronic pain and chronic breathlessness.
Living Well, UWE's student social prescribing programme, to evaluate the impact of six-week-long involvement with the arts, gardening, volunteering, exercise and music on wellbeing.
One Story, helping to evaluate the impact of art workshops on the wellbeing of women who have experienced sexual violence.