Welcome to DRAW
Delivering and Researching the Arts for Wellbeing
We are a Special Interest Research Group focusing on research and evaluation of the arts for health and wellbeing, based at the University of the West of England, Bristol, in the Department of Health and Social Sciences.
Research Projects
Our Current Focus
The healing art of Kashmir
Social prescribing

The Art of Healing is funded through the Arts and Humanities Research Council's urgency programme. The project involves providing, and evaluating the wellbeing benefits of, art therapy with children in Kashmir, an area or political and social unrest.
We are working on the evaluation of several arts on prescription programmes, in primary care, secondary care, and in University settings, using mixed methods approaches. Here, people are referred to a course of art workshops, for a range of reasons, including anxiety or chronic pain, with the hope that this will improve their wellbeing.
'Artbox’ holds artworks that visualise maternal relations as a tool to promote discussion with new mothers accessing post-natal care.  We are currently conducting a feasibility study on its use with health visitors and charity workers to assess its clinical utility.
If you want to learn more about our research, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Contact Us
Department of Health and Social Sciences, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Land, BS16 1QY